Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from June2010 and is called Vishus Deer Patrol.

We have been very worried about the vishus deer ever since we heard about the woofie that got attacked. We know they hang out in the little wood at the bottom of our fields, so we thought we had better check them out and see if they were there. We don't want them attacking our Beans.

We had a good look from higher up and we couldn't see them. We decided it would be safe to go down there.

This is one of their favourite places amongst the trees.

We can't see any sign of them.

We thought it would be safe to stop and look at the primroses. This is where the vishus deer jump over the fence to come into the field. They knock the electric fence down and dad has to keep checking it so the horses don't get out.

On nice sunny days they like to lie in the sunspot behind the two trees.

Eric: Well we haven't seen any sign of them but all this walking has made me hot, so I had a paddle in the stream to cool my feet down.

That feels much better.

Hmm, there are some smells here. We think they have been this way.

Flynn: I will go up this tree so I can see further. You keep checking for their smell down there Eric.

Eric: Okay Flynn, I'm pretty sure they have been here recently.

Flynn: I'll go up higher so I can have a really good look.

Eric: I think it is all clear Flynn. The scent is getting weaker. I think they have gone for today.

After all that hard work we went on to the earth and enjoyed a nice refreshing roll.

We are joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Beauty at 50%, then Grey at 45%.

For this one I used Illusion at 50%, then Starry at 35%.
preview110pieceCaturday Art 1 20.04.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art 2 20.04.24
I am joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the Flashback comes from May 2010 and is called:

My Secret Hiding Place.

When it has been very cold lately it is hard to find somewhere good to keep warm. The other day I found the airing cupboard door open and before you could say 'Where's Flynn?' I was in there. Oh it is lovely with all the nice clean warm towels to snuggle on. Nobody knows about this secret place.

Uh-oh, I think I may have been spotted. Surely she wouldn't make me move. If I keep very still and quiet, she may think she imagined seeing me in here.

Aww go on mum, it's cold out there. You wouldn't make a poor freezing kitty get out of such a nice warm bed would you? Thanks mum! She let me stay.

Of course I won't leave Eric out so here is a video of him getting chin and whisker scritches.

My dad gives the best whisker scritches ever. His chin scritches are pretty good too.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I used Beauty at 35%, then added Grey at 30%.

For Eric I used Fairy at 35%, then added Smoke at 25%
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 13.04.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 13.04.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have two short posts from April 2010. 

The first is from Flynn and was a Tummy, Tail and Toesies Tuesday



and Toesies.

Eric's post was called I Spy.

We were walking around the fields and I thought I heard a familiar noise, so I had a look through the hedge.

I thought so! The sheep have been having their lambs and now they are back in the field next to us. You can biggify to see the baby lambs better.
They are a bit scared of us. When our heads pop through the hedge they go bouncing away.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Reds at 50%, then added Beauty at 40%

For Flynn I only used Illusion at 60%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 6.04.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 6.04.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This flashback comes from April 2010 and was called:


My nippy carrot is my most favourite toy in the world and I like playing with it in my Ham-Mick the best of all. I put the noospaper there. You can't see the rest, but I put them all over the floor.

I was playing Peek a Boo with it unner the Ham-Mick.

I had been playing with it furr ages, then mum decided she would video me when I wuz nearly fed up with playing. I like bunny kicking it and when I finish playing, I like to sleep on it so I can smell the nip.

And so Eric isn't left out, A wordless Wednesday with Silver, the Arabian

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday art.

For Flynn I used Smoke at 30%, then added Scribble at 15%.

It is unusual for me to use any filter at 100%, but I did with Landscape, then I added Leonardo at 35%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 30.03.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 30.03.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.